Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kale've got to try these!

Ok, I know they sound weird, but they are super easy and super good!  I will warn you, they are really addicting, so don’t be surprised if you start craving them.  But hey, it’s kale, so it’s a good craving! :-)   When my mother-in-law first told me about them, I was really skeptical, it took me like 6 months to try them, but now I am so glad I did!  I watch a little 11 month old baby in the mornings.  I told her mom about these, she loves them, she fed them to her daughter and told me that they are the only vegetable that her daughter will eat without a fight!  I thought that that was pretty funny!
Use a good olive oil, because you can really taste it on these.  I like to buy a bunch of kale, wash it, and keep it prepared in my fridge.  It keeps for at least 4 days depending on how fresh it is from the grocery.  Then I just take some out, toss with oil, and bake to have with lunch or dinner!

Heat your oven to 400°.   
Wash a bunch of kale leaves, and tear or cut out the middle stem.  Tear leaves into pieces, and dry thoroughly.   I use a salad spinner.  
For about every 8 cups of kale I toss with a generous tablespoon of olive oil.   
Spread on a cookie sheet and salt.   
Cook for about 15-20 minutes.  Tossing occasionally so they cook evenly.   
They should be dry and crackly, but not burnt. If you take them out while they are still a little soft, they will be kind of chewy, and not very good.   

I’d say 6-8 cups of leaves not packed will be a serving for 2 or 3.  They shrink down a lot as you can see! I will admit to eating that much all by myself though….. :-) Enjoy!!

If you try these leave a comment and tell me what you think! 

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