Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Truffle Fries

A couple months ago, Paul and I went to a restaurant we hadn't tried before.  On the appetizers list was an item that sparked my interest.  Truffle fries.  Being the foodie that I am, I had heard about truffles, but never had the chance to taste them or anything flavored with them.

When they got to the table, I could smell the pungent aroma of the truffles.  A unique smell I had not experienced before.  To describe the taste of them, the only word I have is pungent.  I feel like I need the help of someone who writes labels for wine bottles to truly describe the taste.  You know, on a red wine, when it has descriptions like "earthy, tobacco, cherry, leather" and such.  They had a strong pungent taste.  At first, I wasn't sure I liked the fries.  But I eat fried food so rarely, I kept eating them enjoying the crunch.  Then about halfway through, I started to really like them.  By the end of the basket it became a flavor I crave!!  That truffle smell and taste is something unique, nothing else like it.  You just have to try it to experience it.  Now I make it at home so I can satisfy that unique craving. 

I bought truffle oil and use it to make these fries.  I bought it from TJ Maxx from all places, but they have some interesting unique foods well discounted. I found truffle oil for about the same price as a regular olive oil, and it works great. I'm sure you could find it at just about any food store.  Because  I want that great crisp texture on the fries, I use store bought.  I like the fries from Trader Joe's because they are natural, don't have any other seasoning on them, and really as cheap or cheaper than buying the potatoes and making them from scratch.

Truffle Fries

Frozen french fries, 2+ servings worth
1/2 -1 Tablespoon truffle oil
Pepper and Parmesan cheese if desired 

Cook the fries as directed by package.  While still hot on cookie sheet, toss with oil and salt.  Top with cheese or pepper if desired.

There may be people out there thinking, "That's a lot of truffle oil!  It will overwhelm the fries!"   One, for me it's kinda the purpose of the fries to enjoy the truffle taste.  But two, I am assuming that truffle oils may vary, so you may want to add 1/2 Tablespoon, taste, and then add more from there if you want.

If you have never had truffles, or have and liked them, fries are a great canvas to taste them with. 



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